Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome to Mars

Article Link :http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2012/08/28/us/MARS.html?ref=science
Welcome to Mars
Using a camera with a telephoto lens, NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity took this photograph of the knobs and gulches at the base of 3.4-mile-high Mount Sharp, the rover’s eventual destination. The mound at the center of the picture is about 1,000 feet wide and 300 feet tall. The layering in the bedrock is the primary reason this was chosen as the landing site for Curiosity, which arrived on Mars three weeks ago.Each layer represents a geologic event. For planetary geologists, seeing how the layers stack up is like paging through a history book and could reveal whether Mars was ever hospitable for life. It will take about a year of driving before Curiosity reaches Mount Sharp. KENNETH CHANG
Malin Space Science Systems/NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Using a camera with a telephoto lens, NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity took this photograph of the knobs and gulches at the base of 3.4-mile-high Mount Sharp, the rover’s eventual destination. The mound at the center of the picture is about 1,000 feet wide and 300 feet tall. The layering in the bedrock is the primary reason this was chosen as the landing site for Curiosity, which arrived on Mars three weeks ago.

Each layer represents a geologic event. For planetary geologists, seeing how the layers stack up is like paging through a history book and could reveal whether Mars was ever hospitable for life. It will take about a year of driving before Curiosity reaches Mount Sharp. 

Taken outside of Boulder, CO.

I find it a relaxing place to be and was lucky enough to attend College here.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Taken in Powell Gardens, outside of Kansas City MO, during the Butterfly festival.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Coors Field

Taken in Denver Colorado during/after a Rockies game.  this is actually several HDR's and Time-lapse mixed together with layers.  I have a version without the guy walking toward the camera; not sure which one I like best.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mali, Africa

I took this one in Mali Africa. the musician is a local Kansas City Jazz/Blues phenom Barclay Martin. Check out his site @ http://www.barclaymartin.com/. Anyway, We were there with the Medical Missions Foundations (MMFworld.org), truly amazing trip out side of Bamako in a town called Ouelessebougou pronounced something like "weigh-less-say-boo-go."

I was the de facto pharmacist.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Over the next couple of days I will be loading a significant number of photographs to catch up with my other blog site (14mmview.tumblr.com).

However this will diverge from that site as it will not only contain my photography but also interesting articles and thoughts on Science, Technology, Photography, Marketing, and what some have recently called Nerd Culture.

One of my favorite photos I have ever taken.  Taken with a D100 with a broken light meter outside of Denver Colorado.