Thursday, September 27, 2012

Glow Run #1

From the Glow Run 5k this year in Kansas City, MO.  The actual run took place in the River Market.  
Oh on a personal note, don’t run a 5k with a DSLR; I’ve learned my lesson.

Take the power back little fella!

Slave Rebellion Is Widespread in Ants Originally from “ScienceDaily

It seems that slave ants fight a continuous battle with those who enslaved them.  This reminds of a story in an episode of RadioLab (called “Emergence”).  The thing I would point out is that the rebellion in all likely-hood not ‘intentional’.  Remember an individual ant has an incredibly small brain, what’s probably happening (in my opinion) is that at some point the Slaver larvae start producing pheromones that trigger an automatic attack instinct in the Slave nannies. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Grisly Hand #1

Some more photos from the Grisly Hand, taken at Grinders in Kansas City during their live concert with my D7000.
sorry about the crazy watermarks recently, I can’t find the setting in my Lightroom plugin at the moment.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Future is Now People!

This seems pretty freaking cool, maybe completely impractical in its first iteration but pretty cool.
  How I found it:
 Original Article:

Apparently Hitachi has developed a glass like storage device that can contain about 40MB of data per sq. inch.  Although that isn't a lot they only just developed it.  Oh yeah, it can withstand pretty much anything except a ball peen hammer.

Small Disclaimer

I enjoy reading sites like Geekosystem, Reddit, NikonRumors, XKCD, Tomshardware, NASA, etc. and I highly recommend that you go there yourself.  But if you can't make it to peruse on your own, I'll link to the things I find most interesting.

the D800E\D4 is available for purchase!

Original Information From: go there to see the whole article

Nikon D800E now in stock Nikon D800E, D4 now in stock
B&H link:

Nikon D4 in stock Nikon D800E, D4 now in stock

If only I had the money for this and hadn't just purchased a D7000!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Yeah! Government

Truly remarkable how even when they agree our government can't get anything done.  Hurrah!

"Commemorating probably the greatest gathering of scientific minds in the history of time and both the scientific progress (atomic energy) and sickening horror (the atomic bomb) that resulted from it. The Manhattan Project National Historical Park Act finally came up for a vote in the halls of Congress last night, and a majority of our great nation’s elected represntatives – 237grown adults — agreed that it should be a thing that exists, which, given the state of our political system today, of course means that the bill failed." - Copied from Geekosystem article

Flower #1

Micro/Macro Shot taken at Powell Garden's outside of Kansas City

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Grisly Hand @ Grinders

Photograph of the Mandolin player from one of my favorite bands... the Grisly Hand.  Listen to them... love them.

Botosani, Romania: Medical Mission

Taken outside of Botosani, Romania.  I was there during a medical mission with  The Blue surface behind the children is actually a temporary house.  There had been a massive flood in the area about two weeks before I arrived.

This was the same year as hurricane Katrina.  The Romanians had fresh water and food to their people in less than 24 hours and housing in less than 48.