Continuing News: NBC News
Quick note. I'm about to shamelessly use photos from CNN and NBC. I do this simply because they are multi-national news outlets and I do not have a photographer on retainer.
Things are going from bad to worse in Syria. According to NBC chemical weapons have been loaded into their delivery mechanisms. and the military is waiting for orders. This brings a whole new urgency to the rebellion. While I don't know much about the country of Syria or its people, I do know that when the leader of the country considers using chemical weapons on its own people things have gone way off the rails.
However CNN has no reports confirming this story. In fact in CNN's "Story Highlights"
"Syria would never use chemical weapons against its people, a regime official says"
In the second story (link above) one of Syria's government officials said that this story is just a "pretext for intervention." Meaning that the US and the UN would gin up a story of Sarin nerve gas to invade. I'm not a government official of any capacity, but that seems utterly ridiculous. Faisal Maqdad, Syria's Foreign Minister goes on to say:
"we fear a conspiracy ... by the United States and some European states, which might have supplied such weapons to terrorist organizations in Syria, in order to claim later that Syria is the one that used these weapons...We fear there is a conspiracy to provide a pretext for any subsequent interventions in Syria by these countries that are increasing pressure on Syria,"
On the off chance that some one in Syria or a friend of some one in Syria sees this: Be safe and keep your head down.
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